Fulvic acid- what the h*ll is that?

Have you heard of fulvic acid?


What if it’s something that could help your health and longevity? 

Interested… read on

  • What is fulvic acid?

  • How can it support your health?

  • What are the benefits?

  • Where can I get it?

So what is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is a humic substance, it comes from a layer of soil called the humus developed from decayed plant and animal matter and becomes an essential source of nutrients for the plant life that lives in and around it. 

It contains small water-soluble molecules that are either free or bound to minerals. 

The primary benefit associated with fulvic acid is its strong binding capacity as it can bind many times its weight in minerals. This makes it an excellent carrier of nutrients both in and out of cells. 

They play a supportive role in both immunity and detoxification.

Fulvic acid, would historically be a natural part of your diet, today we don’t get the nutrients in our food, from the soil, like we used to in years gone by. Freshly picked is a thing of the past, unless you grow your own. Supermarket shopping means foods kept in storage for months prior to consumption, often picked before the our oral ripeness, so we miss out on nutrients and minerals that natural soils provide- that includes fulvic acids. So you see, eating dirt is actually beneficial to us. I’m not saying go out into the garden with a spoon, fulvic acid powder is a much more convenient and civilised way of supporting your wellness. Fulvic acid has a crucial role in your wellness and health. 

Benefits of Fulvic Acid

  • Nutrient absorption & gut health

Fulvic acid is a carrier for nutrients. It can bind to minerals and help to transport them into your cells, increasing bioavailability and absorption. 

It can increase digestive enzymes activation which supports nutrient utilisation and absorption. 

It supports your microbiome in the gut by enhancing healthy bacteria, so use in gut issues may be prudent.

  • Immune support

It supports your immune response by increasing antibody production, reducing the effects of inflammatory chemicals, and reduces oxidative stress in your cells.

  • Detoxing heavy metals

It has a superb binding ability, which helps get nutrients into your cells and draws out toxins. Found in water and soil, it can naturally reduce the concentration of heavy metals. In the body fulvic binds to heavy metals (adsorption) and removes heavy metals from cells to be excreted. Because it’s also an antioxidant it supports reducing free radicals and so promotes wellness.

  • Energy production

Energy production occurs in the mitochondria of your cells. This is where the food you consume becomes transformed into energy that your body uses for all it’s body systems to function. 

If your mitochondria are weak or dysfunctional, e.g. chronic tiredness, adrenal fatigue, muscle weakness, etc, it can cause issues with energy production. So healthy mitochondria are essential- fulvic acid helps this, as a great source of oxygen (necessary for waste removal and energy production).

  • Source of Minerals

A superb source of minerals that are essential for a number of roles in your body- enzyme activity, cell to cell communication, detoxification. 

Heavy metals can bind to enzymes and disrupt normal function, leading to dysfunction- the minerals in fulvic can displace heavy metals, so flooding your system with minerals can help to push them out. 


Personally when I’m ‘detoxing’ I combine fulvic powder with liquid zeolite for the ultimate in binding action. I take fulvic and humic acid daily, it’s one of nature’s gifts to us, helping replenish cells and providing nutrients your body needs.

As part of my individualised detox programmes we also look at lifestyle, nutrition, toxic load, positive change making, and frequency treatments to clear your body of energy depleting issues, and provide resources for your body systems to be firing on all cylinders. Message me for a details and to add you to the waiting list.

Where can I get it?

I am currently sourcing the best fulvic- keep your eyes peeled for updates.

If you have any further questions- drop me a message!